Pilates Reformer Classes and Exercise

Our Pilates Reformer Classes are intimate and challenging with a maximum of 5 people per class. The smaller class size allows for propersupervision and correction of form to ensure you get the most from your exercise and avoid injury.

Please read Full Terms and conditions before purchasing any of the below items.

Types of Classes

focus on classes


A slower, sustained workout with a focus on correct form and the fundamental movements of Reformer Pilates. Expect a comprehensive full-body workout, closely supervised and guided by our team. Ideal for those new mat pilates or reformer pilates or those looking for a more gentle and safe form of exercise class. This Pilates class is also for Pre or Post-Natal mums.

open classes

Open classes.

A stimulating and challenging class involving more advanced and dynamic exercise variations. We recommend this class to those who have experience with the Reformer machine and wish to work on enhancing their technique, strength, and repertoire. This class is not suitable for beginners or those with complex injuries.

Advance reformer classes


The Ultimate Reformer burn! Prepare to sweat and push your limits in our high-intensity class on offer; a powerful and vigorous workout combining complex sequences, balance, strength, and endurance using our Pilates Equipment.  This fully-loaded class is designed to sculpt, tone and challenge your Pilates athleticism - both in body and in mind. 

*For experienced clients without injuries. Not suitable for pregnancy. We recommend you become confident in our Open classes before attempting our Advanced. 

pilates for beginners
reformer pilates

Pricing and
Membership Options.

Reformer Class
55 min

Single: $45

10 x pack: $405

Membership Option 1
1 session per week

$37 / week ($37 class)
Paid every 28 days

Membership Option 2
2 sessions per week

$69 / week ($34.50 / class)
Paid every 28 days

Membership Option 3
3 sessions per week

$89 / week ($29.65 / class)
Paid every 28 days

Please read Full Terms and Conditions before purchasing any reformer classes.


Reformer Class Intro Pack

4 x Classes $99 (Save $60)

  • Valid for 28 Days

  • New clients only

  • One offer per person

reformer pilates intro pack

Heal. Move. Feel strong. 

pilates reformer classes

Pilates Reformer is a specialised fitness equipment used in Pilates workouts to help strengthen and tone the body. It has a reformer bed with a sliding carriage attached to springs and ropes, creating resistance as the user performs exercises. The carriage is also equipped with adjustable foot bars, straps, and shoulder blocks that can be used to support various exercises. So, If you’re looking to get quality Pilates Reformer classes near Bronte, you’ve found what you’re looking for!

Benefits of Using Reformer Pilates

  1. Improved Core Strength: It focuses on the core muscles, which include the abdominals, lower back, and pelvic floor. Strengthening these muscles can improve posture, balance, and stability.

  2. Increased Flexibility: It involves various movements that can improve joint flexibility and mobility.

  3. Reduced Risk of Injury: It is low-impact and supports the body during the exercises, reducing the risk of injury.

  4. Enhanced Mind-Body Connection: Pilates requires focus and concentration, which can improve the mind-body connection and promote relaxation.

  5. Improved Athletic Performance: it can help to improve strength, flexibility, and balance, which can enhance athletic performance and reduce the risk of injury.

How to Choose A Class?

When choosing a class, it's essential to consider several factors to find the right fit for your goals and fitness level. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. Experience level: If you're new to Pilates or the Reformer, starting with a beginner class is best. If you have some experience, an intermediate class may be more suitable, while advanced classes are recommended for experienced.

  2. Fitness goals: Think about what you want to achieve during Pilates practice. For example, a class that focuses on core exercises may be best if you're looking to improve your core strength.

  3. Physical limitations: If you have any injuries or physical limitations, it's important to choose a class that can accommodate your needs. A rehabilitative Reformer class may be suitable, or you can consult with an instructor for modifications or adaptations to the exercises.

  4. Class size: Consider the class size and whether you prefer a more intimate or larger group setting. Smaller classes allow for more personalized attention from the instructor, while larger ones provide a more social atmosphere.

  5. Instructor experience: Look for an instructor who is experienced, certified, and knowledgeable about Pilates and the Reformer. They should be able to guide you through the exercises with proper form and technique.

  6. Class schedule: Choose a class that fits your schedule and is convenient for you to attend regularly.

Exercises and Modifications

Pilates Reformer exercises can be modified to suit different fitness levels, physical abilities, and limitations. Here are some common exercises and modifications that can be made:

  1. Footwork: This exercise involves pushing the carriage back and forth with the feet. It can be modified by adjusting the foot bar height, resistance, and foot placement to target different muscles.

  2. Leg circles: This exercise involves moving the legs in circular motions while lying on the carriage. It can be modified by using straps or changing the range of motion to accommodate any physical limitations.

  3. Chest press: This exercise involves pushing the carriage away from the body using the arms. It can be modified by adjusting the resistance and hand placement to target different muscle groups.

  4. Side-lying leg work: This exercise involves lifting and lowering the leg while lying on the side. It can be modified by using a block or pillow for support and reducing the range of motion if needed.

  5. Spinal extension: This exercise involves lying face down on the carriage and lifting the upper body. It can be modified by using a pad or towel for support and reducing the range of motion if needed.

  6. Short box: This exercise involves sitting on the carriage and performing a dynamic movements while holding onto the straps. It can be modified by using a pad or towel for support and reducing the range of motion if needed.

Consult a trained Pilates instructor for exercise modifications and adaptations to ensure proper form and technique.

Find your Perfect Fit

Using Reformer Pilates is a fantastic way to strengthen and tone your body, improve your posture, and enhance your overall wellness. This exercise from Joseph Pilates has different options to choose from, modifications, and safety precautions, so you can find the perfect fit for your fitness level, goals, and physical limitations.

When choosing a class, consider your experience level, fitness goals, physical limitations, class size, instructor experience, and class schedule. Start with a beginner class if you're new to Pilates and consult with a trained instructor to find modifications and adaptations to the exercises that work best for you.

By following safety precautions, such as warming up properly, using proper form and technique, not pushing yourself too hard, and listening to your body, you can reduce the risk of injury and enjoy the many benefits of Pilates. Remember to stay consistent and dedicated to your practice to see the best results.

Choose Limitless Physiotherapy Today as your go-to Pilates Studio!

mariz luz on reformer pilates

Our classes run for a maximum of 5 people. You’ll see the difference in our approach as our attentive and knowledgeable instructors guide you through each class and get to know you by name and form.

Don't be afraid to try out different class until you find the right fit for you.

Safety Precautions

While it is a low-impact exercise that is generally safe for most people, it is still important to take certain safety precautions to reduce the risk of injury. Here are some essential safety precautions to keep in mind:

  1. Consult with your doctor: If you have any medical conditions or injuries, you must consult your doctor before starting your program.

  2. Choose a qualified instructor: Choose an instructor certified in Pilates and has experience with the Reformer. They should be able to guide you through the exercises with proper form and technique to reduce the risk of injury.

  3. Warm up properly: Before starting any exercise, it's important to warm up your muscles and joints to reduce the risk of injury. Your instructor should guide you through a proper warm-up.

  4. Use proper form and technique: During each exercise, use proper form and technique to avoid putting unnecessary stress on your joints and muscles. Your instructor should guide you through good form and technique.

  5. Don't push yourself too hard: It's essential to challenge yourself during a Pilates workout, but don't push yourself beyond your limits. Stop the exercise and consult with your instructor if you feel pain or discomfort.

  6. Listen to your body: Listen to your body's signals and adjust your workout accordingly. Take a break or modify the exercise if you feel pain, discomfort, or fatigue.

Overall, by taking these safety precautions, you can reduce the risk of injury and enjoy the many benefits of Pilates Reformer.

maria luz with clients

Heal. Move. Feel strong.