Is Physio Covered by Medicare? A Comprehensive Guide

physio covered by medicare

If you're wondering, "Is Physio Covered by Medicare?" in Australia, you're in the right place. Physiotherapy can be a crucial aspect of healthcare, and understanding its coverage is essential for your well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the ins and outs of physiotherapy coverage under Medicare in Australia.

Is Physio Covered by Medicare?

Before delving into the details, let's address the primary question: Is physio covered by Medicare in Australia? The answer is both yes and no, depending on your specific circumstances.

Understanding Physiotherapy and Medicare

Physiotherapy, also known as physical therapy, is a form of healthcare that focuses on improving physical function, mobility, and overall well-being. It is often recommended for individuals recovering from injuries, or surgeries, or those with musculoskeletal conditions like chronic pain.

Medicare is a public healthcare system, that primarily covers medical services provided by doctors, hospitals, and clinics. While it does not directly cover routine physiotherapy sessions, there are exceptions, particularly under specific provisions like the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) Program.

When is Physio Covered by Medicare?

Medicare covers physiotherapy in certain situations. Here are some scenarios where you can access physiotherapy services through Medicare:

Post-Surgery Rehabilitation: If you've undergone surgery and your doctor deems physiotherapy necessary for your recovery, Medicare may cover the cost.

Chronic Conditions: Individuals with chronic conditions like arthritis or stroke may be eligible for Medicare-funded physiotherapy as part of their long-term care plan.

Hospital Stay: If you're hospitalised and require physiotherapy during your stay, Medicare will cover these in-hospital sessions.

Referral from a GP: Your general practitioner (GP) can refer you for physiotherapy under a GP Management Plan, shared care plan, or Team Care Arrangement if they believe it's medically necessary. In such cases, Medicare may cover the sessions, subject to the Medicare Benefits Schedule.

Medicare Advantage Plans: Some Medicare Advantage plans offer additional coverage for services like physiotherapy. Check your plan details for specific coverage.

Is Physio Covered by Medicare? FAQs

Can I choose my physiotherapist?

Yes, you have the flexibility to choose your physiotherapist in most cases. However, ensure they are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) for quality care.

How many physiotherapy sessions can I get?

The number of sessions covered by Medicare varies depending on your condition and the recommendations of your healthcare provider. Generally, under the Medicare Benefits Schedule, you may be eligible for a certain number of sessions within a calendar year. It's best to consult with your GP for personalised advice.

Do I need a referral for physiotherapy?

While a GP referral is not always mandatory, it can enhance your chances of Medicare covering the cost. Discuss your situation with your GP to determine the best course of action.

What if I have private health insurance?

If you have private health insurance and you are an Australian citizen, check your policy as it may provide coverage for physiotherapy. In some cases, private insurance can complement Medicare.

Can I receive physiotherapy at home?

In certain situations, physiotherapy can be provided at home. This option is usually considered for patients with mobility issues or those unable to visit physiotherapy clinics.

How do I claim Medicare coverage for physiotherapy?

To claim Medicare coverage for physiotherapy, ensure that your sessions meet the eligibility criteria mentioned earlier. Your physiotherapist may assist you in processing the medicare claim, using your Medicare card to access Medicare rebates for physiotherapy. Allied health services, including physiotherapy covered by Medicare, are often part of a comprehensive care plan.


In conclusion, the answer to "Is Physio Covered by Medicare?" in the AU is nuanced. While Medicare primarily focuses on medical services, it does cover physiotherapy in specific cases such as post-surgery rehabilitation, chronic conditions, and referrals from GPs. It's essential to consult with your healthcare provider and understand your Medicare plan to make the most of your coverage.

Remember that maintaining good physical health is vital, and physiotherapy can play a significant role in achieving that goal. If you have questions or need more information about physiotherapy coverage, don't hesitate to reach out to your GP or Medicare provider.


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